Settling OSHA Citations

The greatest obstacle to the settlement of OSHA citations is an unrealistic view and position taken by one or both parties to the settlement discussions.  In order to prevent that, once citations are issued, we thoroughly evaluate and analyze the citations to identify the merit—or lack thereof—of the citations.  We then prepare a comprehensive memorandum discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each citation and our defenses to those citations.  Once the merits of the citations and the defenses have been identified, we work with you to formulate an aggressive settlement position that accounts for both the merits and your best interest.  We then attend the informal conference with you, intelligently discussing the citations with the OSHA Area Director, and explaining the basis for our settlement position.  It is through this frank discussion regarding the merits of the citations, and the things we will do to defeat them, that we obtain the best possible resolution for our clients without litigation.


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Evaluate and analyze the citations, identifying the merits—or lack thereof—of the citations.

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Work with you to identify and assert all potential fact-based defenses to the citations.

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Research OSHA case law and other guidance to identify and assert all potential legal-based defenses to the citations.

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Formulate an aggressive, personalized, comprehensive settlement strategy to obtain the best outcome tailored for your company.

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Attend the informal conference with the OSHA Area Director, and explain to him or her the various fact and legal-based defenses to the citations.

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Negotiate the best outcome possible, individually tailoring the settlement terms for your business and in its best interests.

For help with Settling OSHA Citations, please call (312) 894-3322 to speak with an OSHA attorney.

Our goal is to minimize the risk of litigation for our clients by helping them proactively implement proper safety programs, counseling them on OSHA compliance issues, guiding them through OSHA inspections, and, when necessary, litigating OSHA citations.